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Nourish Yourself
To The Core

Given Covid-19 and the big life-changes many of us are experiencing, this is a perfect time to receive support in areas that may need deep care, or are holding us back. We can use this unique time to nurture that which may be seeking our attention or which we might not have prioritized before. 

Karen is offering live group coaching to a smaller group, exclusively to graduates of the Integrating Mindfulness course.

The Change You Seek

The coaching program gives you an opportunity to work on each principle more deeply, learn additional tools, and benefit from the support and insights of the coach and other participants.  This will help you make deep positive changes in your life, and create new wholesome friendships with people that are going through a similar journey. 

With many shifts in our life and work-styles, changes in income and social distancing, this is undoubtedly a time of major transition. Transitions are potent times to make big shifts in our lives. Transitions offer us openings for big changes to happen.

We’re limiting the group to six people so that Karen and the group can connect with each other in a real way.

About the Program

  • Prerequsite: completed Integrating Mindfulness
  • This course is for you if you’d like to get to focus on specific areas that are holding you back, and regular and direct feedback from Karen and your fellow participants over an extended period.

What you can expect:

  • The support to build or strengthen an alive and consistent daily spiritual or mindfulness practice, over several months;
  • Learn how to communicate in a way that let’s you be heard and express yourself in a way that’s true to yourself;
  • Be able to listen to others and hear what they’re actually saying;
  • Help to mitigate fear in your system as the next wave of Covid-19 unfolds;
  • A wealth of tools and practices related to each principle that you can apply at your home and work – the ultimate in self-nurturing DIY!
  • Practical, authentic advice from a coach who has extensively worked with Clear Sky’s five principles to strengthen their spiritual container;
  • A safe forum to have real conversations about the issues in your life;
  • An improvement in your relationships, your issues around money, your time management, and other big rocks.

When will it run, and what would your commitment be?

  • The exact starting date, the time of the calls, and any scheduled breaks will be agreed between the coach and participants.
  • You’ll attend two, 90-minute live sessions per month. These will be scheduled for six months, with an option to continue for another three months.
  • You’ll do buddy check-ins with other participants in rotation over the course;
  • You’ll do one weekend retreat near the end, or after the program – either at Clear Sky, at home, or at a center of your choice.


Like Integrating Mindfulness, we’ll also offer this program on the basis of dana or “pay-from-the-heart,” with a minimum commitment.

It will be our joy to dive deeper with a small group, sharing more directly the benefits of our own practice. We trust you’ll match our time, energy and passion for this body of work by giving an amount of money that feels good and healthy to both you and us.

This program includes two monthly live coaching calls with Karen McAllister, a supportive buddy system and other resources. We invite you to look over the following sliding scale, starting at $175 per month:

  • $150 per month if you are struggling financially;
  • $175 per month lets Clear Sky continue to be dedicated to offering quality programs like this;
  • $200 per month helps Clear Sky further develop Clear Sky programs, resources and our community of teachers;
  • $250 per month helps us supply these offerings to others, who may not be able to afford the minimum price.
Benefits of 3 months Karma Yoga program

Our Five Principles

Each of Clear Sky’s five principles are an in depth study on their own, and we have limited time to cover each in the online course.  Each principle is also a highly personal exploration that can unfold over weeks and months.

Meet Your Facilitator

Karen McAllister Co-Creator & Teacher - Clear Sky Center

Karen McAllister

As Clear Sky’s Chair of the Board and Director of Business Development, I’m passionate about teaching the much-ignored principles of nurturing the factors – like honor your space, structure, and communication – that create the conditions we need to wake up more in daily life. I see how I learned and embodied these principles in my different roles at Clear Sky, as the centre went from self-starter to second-stage growth. This is what I call “the hands-on way of doing an MBA with a spiritual bottom line!”

In my free time, I love travelling, speaking Portuguese and reading history, architecture, and art books.