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A Four-Week Online Course with Karen McAllister

February 15 & 22, March 1 & 8 

Saturdays at 10am MT – 12 pm MT

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This course is about healing the split between money and spirituality and integrating your vision and calling into your everyday work. Through this course, you will come to a place of peace, power, and care in your heart in your relationship with money.

It is about integrating the spiritual with the material, or the material with the spiritual, depending on where your journey begins.

What this means for you

Working with your relationship with money is more than just seeing your patterns and recurring behaviours around it.

Money is a nexus that is the doorway into greater integration. All of us have some sort of knot around money. By going into that knot, we can attend to all of these bigger things like the shadow, dreams, vision, values, priorities, and awakening.

We are inviting you to join us to release these complicated and layered knots around money and allow yourself to let go the dam of resistance, shame, guilt, superiority, privilege, and fear. To have the courage to look at your projections onto money and be on your way to a place of integration between the material and the spiritual.

We want you to be lighter, brighter and to give and attract the amount of money you need to manifest your purpose. 

Money and Spirituality - Clear Sky Center
Mindfulness meditation retreat Canada

Do any of these knots sound like you?

  1. Struggling with Authenticity:

    You’re passionate about your work—be it as an artist, teacher, or healer—but find it hard to embrace money without feeling inauthentic. Is the notion of the “starving artist” really noble?

  2. Elusive Money:

    You might feel that money is always just out of reach, coming and going without establishing a real relationship with you. Do you find yourself waiting for a “Prince Charming” to rescue you financially, or believing that your worthy cause should automatically attract support?

  3. Giving Too Much:

    Are you overextending yourself—whether in your organization, relationships, or community? You might feel unseen or burnt out, with health and financial concerns needing attention.

  4. Mixed Experiences of Wealth:

    If you come from a background of privilege but still struggle financially, you may find yourself feeling conflicted about abundance. Your generosity might sometimes feel unrecognized or taken for granted.

  5. Feeling Isolated:

    If you’ve achieved financial success but still feel disconnected from the very people you wish to help, you might feel like an outsider in both spiritual and transformational spaces.

  6. Navigating New Wealth:

    If you’ve recently come into money without the tools to manage it effectively, you may feel overwhelmed. Fear of losing what you have could keep you from making heart-aligned decisions.

  7. Guilt and Trust Issues:

    You might wrestle with feelings of guilt around money and find it difficult to trust yourself and others. The distance money creates can be challenging.

We can do undo these knots, together!

What are some of the main patterns that spiritual types have around money? Dissociation and overgiving are two examples.

Karen McAllister, Certified Money Coach and Board Chair of Clear Sky Meditation Centre, shares some of her insights in the main money patterns experienced by spiritual seekers, artists and those in the non-profit sector. 

What Previous Participants Have Said

What to Expect

The course structures itself according to Clear Sky’s Five Principles, which name the qualities of a supportive space for human flourishing. We apply these principles to help you come to a place of peace, ease and clarity around your relationship with money. This course falls under the Fourth Principle, which is, “Cleaning up big areas of your life frees up energy.” The course structure follows each of the other four principles.

Session #1: Honor your space. Metaphorically speaking, we open the door and take a look inside your financial room. For many of us, it is a room full of cobwebs, things not in their place, and dust bunnies running amok. The curtains are closed, and there is a stale, musty smell in the room. How did this room get this way? By applying principle #1, we honor your space, we face the mess and start cleaning it up. We start revisiting the past to see what was not acknowledged and owned around money in the family system and culture.  

Session #2: Structure and routine are your friends. We look at the money habits that you currently have and write them all down. What do you need to let go of, and what new habits do you need to take on? How are you going to build them into your structure and routine? We will use the cue, routine and reward from “The Power of Habit” to help you work new routines around your money life. We will share all the apps, budget tools, and a ton of resources for you to guide you in finding the right tool for you around your finances.

Session #3: Communication shapes the space where we meet. We look at building gratitude and generosity practices to help you overcome the fear and scarcity mentality that takes root in our beings because it is the very water of capitalism that we swim in. A model that promotes a chronic sense of not-enoughness in the being. We will learn to become very mindful of the scarcity we feed ourselves and get really good at cutting these dialogues off skillfully and kindly, with fierce discernment. 

Session #4: It’s easier with others. What are your relationships with money like with your spouse, your colleagues, and your friends? Do you end up feeling betrayed or tight around money with others, or do you stick your head in the sand and not take responsibility? We will study money and relationships through the lens of the eight money archetypes. Archetypes are powerful teachers and allies, since they inform us of where we need to grow.

Clear Sky associate teachers

Meet your Teacher

Karen McAllister Co-Creator & Teacher - Clear Sky Center

Karen McAllister

Karen has worked with clients to transform their money issues, helping them become more effective, professional, and satisfied with their financial situation, and growing a sense of abundance. She brings knowledge and experience of financial issues from the practical, behavioral, and emotional perspectives. Her real magic and superpowers come from studying with her spiritual teachers, Acariya Doug Duncan and Catherine Pawasarat Sensei, for over 20 years. Her teachers specialize in helping their students transcend their issues around money, sex, and power. And she is a beautiful example of the fruits of this work, known in Buddhist philosophy as the bodhisattva path.

Karen studied Economics in her degree and has been certified by Deborah Price of the The Money Coaching Institute as a Certified Money Coach, a Couples Money Coach, and a Business Archetype Coach. She studied with Lynne Twist from the Soul of Money Institute, including Mastering your Money and Transforming your Life, and Lynne’s Fundraising from the Heart program.

Further, Karen has made use of that training through her own role as a founding member at Clear Sky, which operates with a quadruple bottom line. Karen has been Board Chair since 2014 and is leader of Fund Development. Her passion for this arises out of her deep desire to awaken more fully and make the world a better place. She’s seen many amazing spiritual explorers and transformational change agents who want to make a difference yet don’t have the funds they need to truly fulfill their missions–despite the millions of dollars floating around in the economy. And she has also seen the other side. Many spiritual explorers with money who have tried to help others experience more abundance and feel that their efforts have been rejected; or their efforts to be generous have left them feeling taken advantage of or dismissed. Karen’s work is designed to change this. 

Karen wants you to show up as an integrated and whole human being. She’ll help you direct and attract financial resources in meaningful ways, steering away from greed and fear and towards love, generosity, collaboration, and reciprocity.

Course Details

  • Location: Online (Zoom)
  • Dates: Feb 15 – March 8, 2025 (Saturdays)
  • 4 x 90 minute sessions + 2 Individual 30 minute sessions
  • Time: 5.30 pm – 7 pm MT
  • Dana: $200CAD – $500CAD recommended range.
  • Please chat with us if you have concerns about the cost. Part of taking the money out of the shadow is stepping forward and having a pricing conversation with us.
This course is Dana based. We understand that your income might be effected due to COVID either negatively or positively. We do not want to turn away anyone and we are always looking for ways to help you cultivate your generosity practise. Because of this, we are giving you the opportunity to give the lower rate if you are earning less currently, or we encourage to give the higher rate if your business is actually more profitable due to COVID. Many people feel guilty because they are doing well. We encourage you to think about paying it forward.

There is also an opportunity to give to the scholarship fund, as another opportunity to practice a heart of openness and giving.