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An Interactive Seminar with Catherine Pawasarat Sensei
September 27, 2020
3:00-5:00pm MDT

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Catherine Pawasarat Sensei is hosting a conversation that focuses on the past 400 years of American structural inequality towards Blacks, Indigenous, women and other minority groups. This seminar invites us to see our own implicit biases and cultivate new ways of being more compassionate and loving beings through the scope of Dharma, race and liberation. 

Meditation Retreat Canada

There has been unprecedented acceleration of change since the Industrial revolution. Along with it, we see a greater number of fracturing in people’s psyches and a greater number of inequality in wealth distribution. According to a study from Harvard university, most of the wealth in the US is in the top 20% of the population. This unequal distribution of wealth particularly affects black, indigenous, and people of colour. 


Our international sangha is about growing people to be compassionate and loving beings and welcoming all beings to the banquet as guests. As we teach compassionate communication, it is important we do our own work around Social Justice as awakening beings. Particularly if we are coming from a position of privilege.  


The teachers have taught about the importance of the quadruple bottom line (spiritual, social, environmental and financial) at Clear Sky, in our urban sanghas and in ourselves.

So, how are we as an International spiritual community responding with compassion to the rapid social, financial and environmental changes happening on a global stage?

400 years timeline - Clear Sky Center

Course Details

Doug and Cata Sensei began teaching the Fifth Discipline in 2013, which focused on managing and leading change, building adaptive organizations that can cope with an increasingly connected and volatile world. Little did we know that they were preparing us for the world we live in today, whether we are in Canada, Japan or Germany.

To help you respond to these times, Catherine Sensei is offering a contemplative session cultivating presence and supporting the global sangha with understanding structural inequality through a mindfulness-based and contemplative approach. To better be of service to more people, it also gives us an opportunity to study our implicit bias in a system that favours a certain group or groups over others.

Meet your Teacher

Catherine-Pawasarat-Sensei - Clear Sky Center

Catherine Pawasarat is a Dharma and meditation teacher who founded Clear Sky Meditation Centre, with her partner, Achariya Doug Duncan. Catherine Sensei has trained daily with Doug Sensei since 1998 in an intensive spiritual apprenticeship that is rare in the modern West. She received lay ordination from Namgyal Rinpoche in 2003. In addition to Buddhist philosophy and its applications to daily life, Catherine also draws on generative living and the arts.

Catherine Sensei met Dr. Angel Acosta last year at a conference called Timeless Wisdom, Timely Action. Dr. Acosta works to bridge the fields of leadership, social justice & mindfulness. Catherine really enjoyed the person he is and his work, and studied with him on how to use the 400 timeline of Inequality effectively. Catherine has lived and worked as a journalist internationally for over 25 years, which gives her a unique and global perspective on social justice. 

Fees and Dana

This course is offered based on the ancient principle of generosity, or Dāna.

  • Location: Online (Zoom)
  • Dates: Sunday, September 27, 2020
  • Time: 3-5:00pm MDT