How Our Stories F@*! With Us
Many of us are living and working in different ways, and yet something hasn’t changed: we’re still prone to our internal dialogues about what’s going on around us, and within us.
Many of us are living and working in different ways, and yet something hasn’t changed: we’re still prone to our internal dialogues about what’s going on around us, and within us.
If our first responsibility is our own state, before we go fixing others’, then what does it mean to be in a good state?
How different do your days look recently? Even without the backdrop of a global pandemic, it’s an uneasy feeling to suddenly have
It’s always strange being asked where I’ll be going for my two week Christmas holiday, because these past few years it’s always
On our recent creative weekend, some of our team got together to come up with ideas on how you can best support your meditation practice.
We came up with some do’s and some dont’s that might be of help.
Habit is the opposite of mindfulness.
Structure and routine are your friends.
If you accept either of these as true, take a moment to think about how they work together. Take meditation, for example – how do you find a balance between having a steady meditation routine and not letting your spiritual practice stagnate?
For five years I lived close to Clear Sky while I studied and worked in the local area. I would spend weekends
Are you looking for a space to retreat alone, or to just unwind and reflect? We have three private cabins with valley views.
We can help you with a supportive balance of formal meditation time and optional mindful activities. Or, you can use the space for deep rest, journaling, or reflecting.
Locally sourced / organic meals provided. Optional daily meditation guidance is available.
Sign up to our mailing list to receive a link to our guided meditations page.
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