Andy Rogers

meditation cabin at Clear Sky

Wellness retreats in nature as an antidote to anxiety

Ever wondered how the best wellness retreats work?
Wellness retreats heal anxiety and nurture our whole being, because the environment has been consciously prepared for the purpose. Mindful attention to detail, both inside and outside, tell the body and mind it is time to relax.

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Man on beach with son

What I Never Asked My Dad – And Why it Matters Now

I don’t have full recall of that evening, and yet obviously either I didn’t ask, or he didn’t give much of an answer. So, something in me doesn’t expect much of an answer, doesn’t expect to get to the bottom of things. It might be family or cultural conditioning, of course, and yet the why is no longer relevant.

As a spiritual warrior, having seen the pattern, the idea is to see what happens when we consciously try to do something different.

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Sulky pug dog

Is it selfish to meditate?

Not everyone will agree with our priorities…

Sometimes it helps to remind ourselves why meditation is a consistent priority in the midst of our own busyness, or the opinions of our loved ones.

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Why I started meditating: Andy

If you meditate, what made you start? And if you’ve been trying to start, what’s motivating you? My depth knew that starting the path, of which meditation is part, would be life-changing (as indeed it has).

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man concentating on painting

Concentration vs Awareness

Concentration vs Awareness Awareness and concentration are key to mindfulness and meditation. So what’s the difference between awareness and concentration, and can

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Why am I obsessing over this?

What I did next was from a meditation I’d recently been taught. For the purpose of this short blog, I’ve broken it down into ‘Four steps to change the tune and get someone out of your head:”

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