You might be wondering if we’d be a good fit for you, or if you’re in an organization, your team.
Over the years we’ve had a lot of success – and found it extremely rewarding – to be engaging with all kinds of folk who have a heart for spiritual exploration, including leaders in heart-centred organizations.
We invite you take a moment and consider if any of these situations sound familiar to you, to help you get a feel for who and how we have engaged with different people and groups over the years.
Are you looking for a space to retreat alone, or to just unwind and reflect? We have three private cabins with valley views.
We can help you with a supportive balance of formal meditation time and optional mindful activities. Or, you can use the space for deep rest, journaling, or reflecting.
Locally sourced / organic meals provided. Optional daily meditation guidance is available.
Sign up to our mailing list to receive a link to our guided meditations page.
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